Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

Meet your new therapist. The world has changed so much over the last few years- With the advent of free texting and unlimited data, there are so many time vampires it’s not even funny. 6:00 a.m.: Get up early to get a jump on the day 6:01 a.m.: Open laptop and wait for it to boot 6:03 a.m.: Check Facebook on phone 6:15 a.m.: After catching up with whatever happened in Guam, Australia, and Japan while I was sleeping, look at the BBC and Guardian for real news 6:40 a.m.: The real news has now sent me down a rabbit hole to fake news 6:50 a.m.: Get disgusted with fake news, look for something inspiring to read to get my brain back on track 7:00 a.m.: Crap- kids are awake. Why did I get up early again? Evenings often go the same way, but I end up reading about Corvairs, Supreme Court justices of the Civil Rights and Roe v. Wade era, or the evolution of railroads from the Civil War through 1963 (outdated books predicting a future that didn’t happen fascinate me)...