
Mandate: 1 : an authoritative command especially : a formal order from a superior court or official to an inferior one 2 : an authorization to act given to a representative ( e.g. accepted the mandate of the people ) (Source: Merriam-Webster) As I look through the pictures of American citizens vandalizing our nation's capital, I find myself thinking about mandates and cults of personality. How did we get here? How is it that a country that prides itself on individualism can hysterically lose its mind as a group? How can we be one of the world's most advanced societies, yet so easily succumb to medieval behavior that borders on adolescent fantasy? How can anyone worship a man? Especially a cheat? A chump? A Trump? Plenty of ink has been spilled by people far more qualified than me on what got us here. While those lessons hide in plain sight, my mind shifts forward to the work of adults that will be fillin...