High Friction Health Care and Trust

What the heck is going on? I got a taste of what my wife deals with on a regular basis with our health insurance company this week. I had a plumber that did something similar with, "I can't finish this job until I get your pressure regulator to code for another two hundred dollars." Of course, this doesn't slip out until your main shutoff has been cut out of the system. If you're a supply-sider, this is simply a provider of a service maximizing their outcomes. You Atlas Shrugged-types probably appreciate the plumber's quick thinking. I, on the other hand, call these shenanigans and it's typically a) the last time that person gets my business, b) I make sure everyone that asks me for a reference knows who not to call, and c) tightens up my contract reading skills and cynicism for the next person I have to deal with. Of course, you can sum this up as adulthood, right? Back to health care. A couple of things have come up recently that make me wish I could j...