Wall of Thanks

I've been thinking about this for a really long time. We're the sum of our experiences, and while I can take credit for some of my good fortune, I stand on the shoulders of the many, many people in my life that helped me learn something whether it was terribly negative, wonderfully positive, or something right in the middle. For many of the people in my life, I could write page after page, but instead I'm going to give each person one sentence, and not the easy, obvious sentence, but one that's particularly dear to me. Without further ado, my Wall of Thanks: John Jamison - Teaching me how to shave correctly. Michael Gura - Smoked Salmon is good and yes, it's not all that hard to start your own company! Keith Goodwin - Made me realize many of us join the military for the same reason; to catapult ourselves out of a dead-end. Sabrina Menear - She was only one year older than me, but she seemed so knowledgeable and worldly. Also introduced me to the Scorpions 'Lov...