Twist and Go? Hell No!

After several track days on my Triumph, I realized I'll never take my riding to a higher level on a bike that I can't afford to wreck. Not that I want to wreck, but I'd rather have something a bit better suited to the task. After looking around for a month or so over the holidays, I found a 2008 R6 that belonged to a former rider coach, second owner, all paperwork, and three boxes of spares. After some of the comical experiences I had in my shopping process ("You can fix that, bruh," "Hmmm, didn't notice it had no coolant. Hadn't ridden it in awhile," "I know nothing about the bike- I'm selling for a friend and he's not available."), the seller was a breath of fresh air. The bike had been down a couple of times, but it appeared solid, had good history, and it was priced right. As I drove home with a new-to-me R6 on the trailer, I committed myself to the following: Flush/change all fluids Adjust cables Change spark plugs Replac...