Fear for Sale

I hear these ads on the radio and we get these doom and gloom flyers in the mail for extended warranties on our cars and house. An engine failure could be $5,000.00! What are you going to do when the big one hits? Your furnace. It’s determined to freeze you out on the coldest day of winter. We prevent this. Our home warranty gives you peace of mind. You’re protected from the epic home or car fail. And it’s coming. It’s going to be bad. It’s going to be scary. It only happens on Christmas day, the Fourth of July, or 10 minutes before the guests show up for your kid’s birthday party. In truth, these things can and do happen, but is ‘peace of mind’ worth thousands of dollars that you could keep in your bank account for these inevitable events? What if you put your peace of mind in the wrong place? You have a $2,000 dollar extended warranty on your Toyota (which if you change the oil once every five years will last you twenty), but you didn’t cover your furnace? Your ins...