Donald Trump is Brilliant!

I'm here to tell you, just like Barack Obama before him, Donald Trump is an absolute genius. He talked up a storm about draining the swamp, making America great again, and getting rid of thugs and rapists. I think it's all going to happen, but not nearly in the way he or his base expect. The bonus is, he still gets to take the credit when the smoke clears. As it was said in This is Spinal Tap, It's such a fine line between stupid and clever. Which side he's on doesn't matter, but I'll vote subversive and clever, because I'm a glass half-full kind of guy. Drain the Swamp: His timing is impeccable. The face of America is changing, and it's becoming beige. Most of the good-ole boys in the House and Senate are on their way out due to age or incompetence, and we have an awakened electorate that realizes there is no way in hell it can just phone in their votes for some ho-hum candidate. Even in areas which are fairly centrist, the incumbent needs to bri...