Untimely Death

It seems we're getting to the age where we attend way more funerals than weddings. In the wake of my father-in-law's death in February, I lost a very good friend of mine who hadn't yet hit 40. An old soul, he and I clicked when we worked together around 2012 on a project in Virginia. Fast forward to 2020-21, and we were together again on a project in Indiana. After a lengthy hiatus, we un-paused our friendship and had a great time working hard on-site, then remotely once Covid hit. He was a genius in his work; a great writer, teacher, and mentor to anyone that he worked with. Our skills complimented each other perfectly. I was concrete, conduit, steel, and tech, while he was tech, network, server, and troubleshooter extraordinaire. With a couple of our other genius coworkers, there was nothing we couldn't build. I have no issue with death for folks of a proper age, but he was robbed. So many plans, things to explore, restaurants to visit, bourbon drinks to try, marr...