Retribution?! Memento Mori.


Retribution? Seriously? That's all you've got?

Retribution? Revenge on the vermin? Are these really the people we want in office? What's happening to rational, middle of the road people and how did we lose our representation on the national stage? As far as I can tell, be it the KKK, Nazi Germany, or Insurrectionist Friends of January 6th, eventually they're coming for us. First it's the libs, then the jews, then the blacks, then flavors of Christianity that aren't 'them', and at some point you've basically gutted everything that actually makes America great. Who helped win World War II? Oh, that's right- these 'others' that were persecuted and forced to leave Germany and its conquered lands.

I'm an open minded, live-and-let-live fan of the Enlightenment, the Bill of Rights, and justice for all. I know I can't be the only one. I'm a true believer in humility being a true sign of maturity and wisdom, along with having a sidekick (even if it's only a construct of one's imagination) whispering 'Memento Mori' in one's ear at all times. 

Retribution is a reddit fantasy. We all do it; be it in traffic, the conference room, the PTA meeting, the job site. Yes, it would be very satisfying to give that pesky person their comeuppance, or smash their teeth on the curb, or assume your rightful seat at the head of the table by force. Unless you're in a bar fight, we have to play the long game, lest we end up on the pointy end of someone else's retribution.

...and I think that's the point. Just like the separation of church and state, we're not always on the winning team. How do we want to be treated when the inevitable occurs?

Be an adult. Vote for adults. I demand a leader whose aspirations greatly exceed retribution.



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